Outstanding Leader Academy – Part 1

Outstanding Leader Academy – Part 1

Leadership is not only about managing an organization but also about the continuous
development of people. Our training is based on proprietary teaching methods and participant projects, providing a unique experience. It focuses on practice, allocating 80% of the time to acquiring skills in a real-world environment, while theory constitutes 20% of the total program. This ensures that our participants not only gain knowledge but also develop practical skills essential for effective leadership and innovative problem-solving.

You Connect Employees with the Company on a Values Level

After the training, you have a clear vision of where and how you lead your team. You can communicate through deep communication mechanisms, not just short-term motivating benefits. You present ideas and tasks in a way that inspires action and integrates others with projects.

You Gain Confidence and Composure

In situations of change and crisis management, you excel. You manage well and collaborate effectively with your emotions, skillfully handling the team’s emotions.

You Build Long-term Team Engagement

You can convince others that ‘impossible is possible.’ You communicate more effectively based on thinking patterns and language assumptions, not just behavior.

Motivation and Inspiration

You can convince others that the impossible is possible. You align individual employee goals with organizational goals, preventing professional burnout and trends such as Quiet Quitting or the Great Resignation.”


Completed training



20 years

Of experience


Module 1: Connecting Individual Goals with Organizational Goals
• Development in the role of a Top Leader as an expression of the company’s vision, mission,
and values in relationships with clients, the team, and superiors. Understanding
responsibility for oneself and how the team perceives it.
• Building coherence and a sense of identification with the Vision, Mission, and Values of the
company – “The Company is Me; I am the Company.” How to navigate one’s career and the
careers of team members within the company?
• Developing awareness of duties and roles in relationships within the company and with
clients. Who do people want to work with, and for whom? How to become a good leader for

Module 2: Building the Identity and Assertive Attitude of an Effective Leader.
• Avoiding manipulative, submissive, and aggressive attitudes, and maintaining assertiveness
as a leader.
• Preventing the trap of playing the rescuer role and “doing everything for the team.”
• Effectively responding to information overload situations.
• Discovering personal strategies for achieving goals. How to turn small successes into big
ones by repeating the same scenario on a larger scale.

Module 3: Values-Based Management and Emotional Collaboration.
• Increasing awareness of what values are and how they influence our decisions.
Understanding how personal values, such as integrity, are implemented individually and
within a team. How to align goals based on values.
• Identifying personal values in the professional sphere. Why, and with what purpose, do I
wake up to work every morning?
• Values as the strongest human motivation. Is what I choose genuinely important to me?
Let’s find out.
• Collaborating with one’s own emotions and building a confident attitude in action.
Understanding emotions, why some react calmly in the same situations, while others do not.
Can we choose our emotions?

Module 4: The Role of Communication in Management: Conveying Uncomfortable Feedback,
Delegating Tasks, Managing Through Goals.
• Building communication skills through goals and results. How to convey motivation to
others by knowing why and how.
• Effective communication in visual, auditory, and kinesthetic systems to reach all recipients
accurately. Why dreamers look at the sky, and meeting participants look at the floor, and
how to apply this knowledge to management.
• Resolving conflicts through different positions of perception. The “put yourself in my shoes”
exercise applicable not only in management.
• Providing feedback. How to speak without triggering feelings of guilt, shame, or resentment.
A good manager is recognized by how they deliver difficult information.

Module 5: Psychological Aspects of Team Motivation. How to Increase Employee Engagement?
• Recognizing and understanding personal mechanisms of action and behavior. What do I do
when my nerves are tested, and what do I say to myself just before that? How to talk to
oneself differently to say what needs to be said rather than what the brain suggests.
• Efficient use of mechanisms governing processes in human minds. Do they understand
what I’m saying to them? What do they hear when I say, “we need to do x,” and does
anyone feel responsible at that moment?
• Easily stopping thinking that everyone functions like us, to avoid managing only ourselves
over time.
• Where and how to obtain information about how people motivate themselves and make
decisions. Learning through exercises that train efficient and logical thinking, not just during

Module 6: Presentation Structure in the “Why, How, What, What If?” Model
• Workshops on task delegation. When the “must” comes, Mrs. Must does it, meaning how to
communicate so that everyone knows who is working on what and does it.
• Communicating goals and results that unite teams. Whether left or right, on a bike or on
foot, SMART, or maybe SPRINT – what to say so that everyone knows what to do and by
• Providing feedback, including negative feedback. Not an easy skill, keeping people away
from depression – which words “hurt” and which motivate?
• Writing emails. Not every word has as much significance as the structure it contains. Writing
is an art, and we will learn all of them.
• Engaging the team, i.e., evoking long-term, internal motivation. What to do to make people
“want to want” to work?”

Want to ask us about the course?

About Training

In the times of the “Great Resignation,” “Quiet quitting,” growing employee turnover, and new
generations entering the job market, when more and more people feel decreasing engagement at
work and lose a sense of why and for what purpose they work, managers find it significantly
challenging to motivate employees in the long term. Therefore, both managers themselves and
their superiors seek solutions that will:
• Build long-term engagement and motivation within the team;
• Make people understand why they work for a particular company and identify with it;
• Unite employees with the company on the basis of shared values;
• Make people want to work with managers and for the company for years.
Highly qualified managers represent a significant advantage for a company over the competition.
They form its core and bear the greatest responsibility for achieving the organization’s strategic
goals and solving any problems that uncertain times bring. Therefore, by investing in good
managerial training, you are investing in your company’s profit. The training is intended for
managers who
• Want to have a clear vision of where their team is headed;
• Want to be aware of their internal processes;
• Want to have excellent control over their emotions;
• Want to know the personal values, goals, and motivational mechanisms of their employees
and be able to connect them smoothly with the overarching goal and values of their
• Want to be a confident individual who communicates effectively,
• Aspire to the “impossible” and want to be able to convince others that the impossible is
• Want to be an example for people, a role model that others find inspiring.

Business training is individual, contact us and ask for a quote.

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