Terms of service and privacy policy


Infinity Power International
Dear Sir/Madam,
In accordance with the current regulations on the protection of personal data, we hereby provide
you with comprehensive information on the methods and principles of processing your personal
data. By fulfilling our informational obligation in this regard, we also encourage you to contact us
with any questions or concerns.
The administrator of your personal data is:
Infinity Power International, located in Warsaw
Al. Jerozolimskie 99 lok. 8
Email address: office@infinitypower.pl
• How did we obtain your data?
• We obtained your data directly from you or from publicly available sources.
• For what purpose and on what basis do we process your personal data?
• Our company takes special care in processing personal data and implements appropriate
technical and organizational measures to ensure a level of security corresponding to the
risks of infringement of the rights and freedoms of natural persons arising from the
processing of data. Your personal data may be processed based on the provisions of the
GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation – Regulation (EU) 679/2016):
• Article 6(1)(a) – In this case, we process data based on your consent – if expressed
by you in a separate statement and only for the purpose specified in that statement.
• Article 6(1)(b) – This refers to situations where your data is necessary for the
performance of a contract between us, including the preparatory activities for the
conclusion of the contract.
• Article 6(1)(c) – We may process data in connection with our legal obligations – an
example being tax settlements with the Tax Office.
• Article 6(1)(f) – We also process your data for other purposes, defined as the
legitimate interest of the administrator; this includes, for example, processing data to
maintain future business relationships.
These bases may occur together or in any configurations, depending on the nature of the
relationship between you and our company.
This text appears to be a privacy policy or terms of service related to data processing. Here’s the
English translation:
• Withdrawal of consent or objection to the processing of personal data
At any time, you can withdraw any consent given to our company regarding the processing of
personal data without suffering negative consequences. To do this, simply send an email to
office@infinitypower.pl. You can also object to further processing of your data through the same
channel. Your request will be promptly fulfilled unless further processing of your personal data is
necessary (for example, due to legal requirements or unresolved financial matters). Please note
that withdrawing consent does not affect the legality of processing carried out by us before its
• When and to whom can we disclose your personal data, and to whom we will not disclose
Access to your personal data within the organizational structure of our company will be granted
only to authorized employees and only to the extent necessary. Public entities (authorities, etc.)
may be recipients of your personal data if they make a request based on a valid legal basis. Your
data may also be entrusted to our trusted partners if it is necessary for the smooth functioning of
our company or the provision of services to you. We make efforts to entrust data only to reliable
contractors, based on legally provided instruments protecting your interests in the context of
personal data protection. Your data will not undergo automated processing, nor will it be
transferred to a third country (outside the European Economic Area).
• What rights do you have?
You have the right to access your data, correct, delete, restrict processing, the right to data
portability (if technically feasible), the right to object, and the aforementioned right to withdraw
consent at any time. These rights may be excluded or limited in situations where the administrator
is legally obliged to process data to fulfill a legal obligation. In case you believe that your rights
regarding personal data protection have been violated, you also have the right to lodge a
complaint with the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection at the address: ul. Stawki
2, 00-193 Warsaw.
• How long will we process your data?
The duration of processing your personal data depends on the nature of our cooperation and the
legal grounds for processing your data:
• If we process data based on consent, they will be processed until the fulfillment/expiry of
the purpose for which they were collected, or until the withdrawal of consent by you.
• Data processed for the conclusion and execution of contracts will be processed for at least
the limitation period of mutual claims arising from the performance of the contract.
• The required period of processing necessary data for the fulfillment of legal obligations
results from the provisions of the law specifying these obligations.
By subscribing to the newsletter, you give consent to:
• Processing of personal data for sending newsletters containing commercial information by
Infinity Power International NIP 9522244591.
• Processing of your personal data by Infinity Power International in the form of an email
address for sending marketing information regarding products and services via electronic
communication means, following the regulations regarding the provision of services
Contact form consents:
• I consent to the processing of personal data to establish contact.
• Everyone has the opportunity to withdraw consent by sending us an email request for
removal from the database.
GDPR Information
Facebook Page Usage Rules
Infinity Power International
I. The Administrator of Your personal data is:
Infinity Power International with its registered office in Warsaw, Al. Jerozolimskie 99, office 8. For
all matters related to the processing of personal data, you can contact the administrator via email:
II. General Information:
• The operation of our fan page complies with the requirements outlined in Facebook’s terms of
• Information on your profile and activities resulting from its use are directly administered by
• We manage your data solely for the purpose of responding to your questions, commenting on
posts, and communicating with users as part of our activities and the content we provide.
• Personal data collected through communication with users is processed only for the purpose of
providing responses if necessary.
• Your activity related to using our fan page is not archived by us outside of the Facebook service.
• We do not control what data the plug-in provider or social media site collects and how it
processes it. For information on the purpose and scope of data collection, including cookies
used, their further processing and use by external providers, as well as your rights and privacy
settings options with those providers, you can refer to the data protection information of the
respective provider: Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA https://plpl.facebook.com/privacy/explanation.
III. Purpose and scope of processed data, legal basis:
• The Administrator processes personal data of individuals who:
• • have subscribed to the fan page by clicking the “Like” or “Follow” button,
• • have posted their comment under any of the posts on the fan page.
• Personal data is processed for the purpose of running a fan page on the Facebook social
media platform, under the conditions and rules specified by Facebook. It serves to inform
about the Administrator’s activities, promoting our company, various events, building and
maintaining a community associated with our company, and for communication through
available Facebook features (comments, chat, messages), which constitutes a legitimate
interest (based on Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR). Your personal data may also be processed
based on separately given consent for a specific purpose and duration (based on Article 6(1)
(a) of the GDPR).
• The Administrator processes the following data:
• • basic identification data (usually including name and surname) to the extent published by
you on your own profile on the Facebook social media platform,
• • data published by you on Facebook profile;
• • profile picture if provided by you;
• • other photos (which may also depict your image) resulting from fan page interactions –
user. Posting photos under our posts is voluntary on your part, and we are not responsible
for the legality of users’ possession of such photos;
• • the content of your comments and the content of the conversation conducted through the
Messenger application;
• • anonymous statistical data about people visiting the fan page available through the
“Facebook Insights” function provided by Facebook according to unchangeable terms of
use of the Facebook service, collected through spying files (called “cookies”), each
containing a unique user code that can be linked to connection data of users registered on
Facebook, which is downloaded and processed at the time of opening the fan page.
IV. Data recipients:
Regarding the fan page, due to the specificity of the Facebook portal, information about people
following the fan page, likes, as well as the content of comments, posts, and other information
provided by users is public. We may share your data with the following categories of entities:
• subcontractors – entities we use for data processing with whom we have concluded a data
processing agreement;
• entities to whom we are obliged to provide your data based on applicable laws;
• owner of the Facebook social media platform under the unchangeable rules concerning data
determined by Facebook, available at https://www.facebook.com/about/privacy. Additionally,
we inform you that we do not transfer your data outside the European Economic Area, subject
to the multinational nature of data flow within the Facebook service. The Facebook service, as a
data controller, may, in certain cases, transfer your data outside the European Economic Area.
We also point out that Facebook has a EU-US-Privacy Shield certificate. Under the agreement
between the
VI. Rights of data subjects:
You have the right to:
• access your data and obtain a copy of it,
• correct (amend) your data,
• delete your data,
• limit the processing of your data,
• object to the processing of your data,
• data portability,
• withdraw consent at any time,
• lodge a complaint with the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection, located in
Warsaw, ul. Stawki 2, with whom you can contact in the following ways:
a) by mail: ul. Stawki 2, 00-193 Warsaw
b) via the electronic delivery box available on the website https://www.uodo.gov.pl/pl/p/kontakt
c) by phone: (22) 531 03 00.
VII. Voluntariness of providing data and consequences of not providing them:
Providing data is voluntary, but not providing data will result in the inability to browse the fan page
or leave comments.
Consent to cookies and data processing
Infinity Power International and our trusted partners use cookies to operate websites, provide
services to users, display personalized content, and achieve our business goals. Below, we have
provided more information about the cookies we use. The decision to accept all, reject all except
necessary, or make an individual choice is up to you. You can change your mind and modify your
choice at any time through the button in the bottom left corner. Consent to cookies is voluntary
and can be withdrawn or modified at any time by clicking the cookie button in the bottom left
corner of the page. More information can be found in the cookie policy.
Essential cookies are used to ensure the proper functioning of our website, proper user support,
including security and the correct delivery and adaptation of the service. They do not enable the
identification of a specific user. Essential cookies also allow us to achieve the basic goals of our
company, such as ensuring proper and uninterrupted communication, guaranteeing the highest
level of service, adapting content to users, and protecting them from fraud. These files allow our
users to use selected services. Since these are essential files, they cannot be disabled.
Targeting and Advertising
These files allow us to tailor our offer to the needs of our users. Targeting cookies show us how
users use our websites, allowing us to customize advertising and thus a service or product that
meets the user’s expectations. Advertising cookies build a user’s interest profile and tailor ads so
that they do not receive content that does not interest them. These files are not direct carriers of
personal data and only identify the device’s browser. Advertising and targeting cookies enable the
delivery of interesting ads that match the user’s interests.
Performance and Analytics
Analytical and performance files are used to improve the performance of our website and are
solely for our internal purposes. They are anonymous data that does not allow the identification of
a specific user. Their main task is to show us what is most and least popular, as well as the traffic
on our sites. With these files, we can improve our offer and improve the services provided, tailor
results to user needs. These anonymous statistics may be shared for external communication
purposes. Performance cookies also allow us to verify what our users are looking for, helping us
improve the results of our site.
Social Media
Cookies belonging to social media allow the sharing of content from our website on social media
such as Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. They are files that connect our site with popular services.
Control over these files is provided by the platforms mentioned. Thanks to these files, we can link
user accounts with content on our site, i.e., authenticate the user. These files provide the ability to
add comments or enable advertising delivery on social media.
Privacy Policy
Who we are
The address of our website is https://www.infinitypowerinternational.com
When a visitor leaves a comment on the website, we collect data visible in the comment form, as
well as the visitor’s IP address and browser signature to help detect spam. An anonymized string
of characters created based on your email address (known as a hash) may be sent to the Gravatar
service to check if you use it. The Gravatar service privacy policy is available here: https://
automattic.com/privacy/. After approving the comment, your profile picture is publicly visible in
the context of your comment.
If you are a registered user and upload images to the site, you should avoid uploading images
with EXIF location tags. Visitors to the site can download and read the full location data from
images on the site.
If you leave a comment on our site, you can choose the option to save your name, email address,
and website address in cookies so that when you write subsequent comments, the above
information will be conveniently filled in. These cookies expire after one year. If you visit the login
page, we will create a temporary cookie to check if your browser accepts cookies. This cookie
does not contain any personal data and will be discarded when you close your browser. When
logging in, we also create a few cookies necessary to save your login information and selected
screen options. Login cookies expire after two days, and screen options after a year. If you select
the “Remember Me” option, the login will expire after two weeks. If you log out of your account,
login cookies will be deleted. If you modify or publish an article, an additional cookie will be saved
in your browser. This cookie does not contain any personal data; it simply points to the identifier
of the article edited a moment ago. It expires after 1 day.
Embedded content from other websites
Articles on this site may contain embedded content (e.g., videos, images, articles, etc.).
Embedded content from other websites behaves in the same way as if the user visited a specific
website directly. Websites may collect information about you, use cookies, attach additional
external tracking systems, and monitor your interactions with embedded material, including
tracking your interactions with embedded material if you have an account and are logged into that
Statistics analysis
If you request a password reset, your IP address will be included in the reset message sent. If you
leave a comment, its content and metadata will be stored indefinitely. This allows us to recognize
and approve subsequent comments automatically without sending them for moderation each
time. For users who have registered on our website (if any), we also store personal information
entered in the profile. Each user can view, correct, or delete their personal information at any time
(except for the username, which cannot be changed). Site administrators can also view and
modify this information.
Your rights to your data
If you have a user account or have added comments on this site, you can request the delivery of a
file with an exported set of your personal data that we have, including all that you have provided.
You can also request the deletion of all your personal data we have. This does not apply to any
data that we are obliged to keep for administrative, legal, or security reasons.
Where we send your data
Guest comments may be checked using an automatic spam detection service.
Terms of Service
This Regulation sets out the rules for the operation and conditions of use of the infinitypower.pl
website and the terms of sale of products and services available on the site.
• Definitions
• Infinity Power International Jolanta Wasilewska, Anna Modrzewska Limited partnership –
owner of the service, ul. Hiacyntowa 23 05-077 Warsaw email: office@infinitypower.pl
• ◦ Service – an online service that medi
The provided text appears to be a set of terms and conditions, likely related to a service or
product. Below is the English translation:
• Definitions
• • Product: Paid access service to specific Materials and Additional Materials in the
form of computer files, audio and video recordings, provided by the Author to the
User through the Internet via the Service.
• • Individual Session (Google Meet, Zoom, WhatsApp): Remote meeting through
online connection.
• • Password: Confidential numerical character sequence known only to the User,
necessary for authorized access to the Service [https://
www.infinitypowerinternational.com] and Products, defined by the User during the
first Product purchase.
• • Complaint: User’s report to Infinity Power International regarding Product defects.
• • Complaint Process: Series of actions by the User and Infinity Power International
aimed at reviewing the User’s complaint, and if accepted, also rectifying the
Product’s defect.
• General Provisions
• Upon placing an order on the Service, the User declares acceptance and full
acknowledgment of the terms of this Regulation, committing to comply with them. If
the User disagrees with the Regulation, Infinity Power International reserves the right
to refuse services.
• Infinity Power International reserves the right to change this Regulation without
specifying a reason and at any time.
• Any Internet user (individual) may freely browse the Service content.
• Standard devices and software allowing website browsing, sound playback, and
email are required to use the Service.
• Users must be individuals with full legal capacity (legal entities or non-legal entities
without legal personality).
• Users may only use the Service in accordance with applicable laws. Infinity Power
International reserves the right to refuse services, delete data, or cancel orders if the
User violates the law or the Regulation.
• Infinity Power International reserves the right to change the publication date of
materials for technical or organizational reasons.
• For an individual session (Google Meet, Zoom, WhatsApp), one can schedule a
specific date and time by sending confirmation of the transfer to the email address
[office@infinitypower.pl], following the key provided during the session arrangement.
• Participants who are late or do not inform about their lateness to the training/
course/workshop by the start time, or through email [office@infinitypower.pl] or
phone number 797 919 772, will not participate.
• Workshop participation must be confirmed 48 hours before its start. Failure to
confirm will invalidate the reserved space despite the deposit payment.
• Participants cannot transfer their reservation to third parties. Transfer is equivalent
to canceling the reserved space, and the paid deposit is non-refundable.
• Participants agree that the deposit is non-refundable, serving as a reservation
guarantee for the training/course/workshop.
• Infinity Power International reserves the right to change platforms for its digital
publications, both free and paid webinars and training sessions.
• Rules for Using the Service
• Through the Service, Users can purchase products in the form of computer files
containing video recordings or other files.
• Orders are fulfilled after Infinity Power International receives payment through
available payment channels listed in the Service, with payment title and other
relevant costs for the specific product. Price and additional costs information will
always be provided on the website and during the order placement.
• Infinity Power International reserves the right to cancel an order, and such
cancellation implies that the agreement is not concluded.
• Orders can be placed throughout the year, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.
• Prices for all products in the Service are gross prices in Polish złoty.
• The primary delivery method for virtual products is via email provided in the order,
and for physical products, it is via postal address in the order.
• The product will be available to the User no later than 48 hours after Infinity Power
International receives payment confirmation.
• Infinity Power International undertakes to deliver a defect-free product, consistent
with the description on the Service website.
• Any additional payment obligations related to the main service will be
communicated by Infinity Power International.
• By purchasing a product (clicking the “add to cart” icon and confirming the order in
the “order” tab), the User agrees to payment associated with that product.
• Rules for Using Purchased Products
• All products provided through the Service, whether paid or unpaid, are subject to
protection under the Copyright and Related Rights Act of February 4, 1994.
• Users can use purchased products for personal use and in accordance with their
intended purpose, i.e., playing on electronic devices, storing in computer memory, or
other suitable devices for reviewing the content.
• Users do not have the right to duplicate, copy, or use the product (in whole or in
part) unlawfully. Changing the electronic structure of the product or other
modifications (e.g., removing protections) are prohibited. Distribution of the product,
sharing with third parties, or public reproduction is also prohibited.
• Users are responsible for ensuring that unauthorized persons do not use the
products unlawfully or contrary to this Regulation. If such situations are detected,
Infinity Power International may claim damages from the known buyer of the product
(User) for violating the rights to the respective copy of the product.
• Complaints and Returns
• Any disruptions in the operation of the Service, suggestions, complaints, and
claims should be sent electronically to [office@infinitypower.pl].
• If the purchased product is found to be faulty, especially if it does not run or is
inconsistent with the description on the Service’s website, or if the product is not
delivered within the specified period in this Regulation, the User can file a complaint
with Infinity Power International within 14 days of purchase.
• A User who has entered into a distance contract may withdraw from it
without giving reasons by sending a relevant statement by email within 14
days of entering the contract. According to the Consumer Rights Act of May
30, 2014, and the paragraph “exceptions to the right of withdrawal from the
contract,” the User cannot return the product if:
• The Entrepreneur has fully performed the service with the clear consent of
the consumer, who was informed before the performance began that after the
performance by the Entrepreneur, they would lose the right to withdraw from
the contract,
• The subject of the service is audio or visual recordings or computer
• The delivery of digital content not stored on a tangible medium has begun
with the express consent of the consumer before the expiration of the
withdrawal period, and after informing them by the Entrepreneur about the
loss of the right to withdraw from the contract. Sending the statement before
the expiration to the email address [office@infinitypower.pl] is sufficient to
meet this deadline.
• After the 14-day period for withdrawal from the contract, the User loses this right.
• If the User exercises the right to withdraw from the contract, they must send a
written statement of withdrawal and the account number for the refund.
• Infinity Power International immediately confirms to the User, by email, the receipt
of the withdrawal statement.
• In the event of withdrawal by the User from the contract, the contract
• VAT Invoices
• The user accepts invoices received in electronic form.
• The user receives VAT invoices in electronic form in PDF files. To receive an invoice, the user
must enter company details, including the company’s tax identification number (NIP), in the
Comments field.
• Duplicates of invoices issued and delivered in electronic form will be accepted in electronic
• Infinity Power International collects and processes personal data voluntarily provided by the
user through the Service.
• Only personal data necessary for providing services to the user by Infinity Power
International and ensuring the highest quality of service are collected and processed.
• Individuals declaring the issuance of an invoice must report this fact after paying the full
amount for the product (Google Meet sessions, WhatsApp, Zoom, training/courses/
workshops, audio recordings, video recordings, books) and send the company details to the
email address: office@infinitypower on the day of concluding the sales agreement, i.e.,
placing the order and accepting it for implementation. If the user does not provide invoice
details within the mentioned timeframe, the paid amount will be accounted for without the
possibility of issuing an invoice.
• Final Provisions
• Infinity Power International reserves the right to change the terms of the regulations, with the
provision that the version of the regulations in force at the time of placing the order applies
to agreements concluded before the change in the regulations.
• Changes come into effect on the day of their publication on the Service.
• In case of non-acceptance of the new provisions of the regulations, as mentioned in point 7,
paragraph 1, the user has the option to refrain from accepting them, leading to the
termination of the agreement between the Service and the user.
• Liability Exclusion
• Infinity Power International reserves the right to temporarily limit access to the Service (in
whole or in part) to improve it, maintain it, or if security reasons or other reasons beyond
Infinity Power International’s control require it.
• Infinity Power International is not responsible for losses and damages incurred by the user in
connection with the use of the Service, compliance with the information presented in the
Service, or contained in the Products under any circumstances, as well as for the
consequences of decisions made based on them.
• Infinity Power International does not guarantee that information transmitted over the Internet
will reach the user in an error-free, complete, and full form.
• Infinity Power International is not liable for damages caused by the faulty operation of the
transmission system, including equipment failures, delays, and disruptions in the
transmission of information, interference by third parties, or force majeure.
Who We Are
Our website address is https://www.infinitypowerinternational.com.
When visitors leave comments on the site, we collect the data shown in the comment form, the
visitor’s IP address, and browser user agent string to help spam detection.
An anonymized string created from your email address (also called a hash) may be provided to the
Gravatar service to see if you are using it. The Gravatar service privacy policy is available here:
https://automattic.com/privacy/. After approval of your comment, your profile picture is visible to
the public in the context of your comment.
If you upload images to the website as a registered user, you should avoid uploading images with
embedded location data (EXIF GPS). Visitors to the website can download and extract any
location data from images on the website.
If you leave a comment on our site, you may opt-in to save your name, email address, and
website in cookies. These are for your convenience so that you do not have to fill in your details
again when you leave another comment. These cookies will last for one year.
If you visit our login page, we will set a temporary cookie to determine if your browser accepts
cookies. This cookie contains no personal data and is discarded when you close your browser.
When you log in, we will also set up several cookies to save your login information and your
screen display choices. Login cookies last for two days, and screen options cookies last for one
year. If you select “Remember Me,” your login will persist for two weeks. If you log out of your
account, the login cookies will be removed.
If you edit or publish an article, an additional cookie will be saved in your browser. This cookie
includes no personal data and simply indicates the post ID of the article you just edited. It expires
after one day.
• VAT Invoices
• The user accepts invoices received in electronic form.
• The user receives VAT invoices in electronic form in PDF files. To receive an invoice, the user
must enter company details, including the company’s tax identification number (NIP), in the
Comments field.
• Duplicates of invoices issued and delivered in electronic form will be accepted in electronic
• Infinity Power International collects and processes personal data voluntarily provided by the
user through the Service.
• Only personal data necessary for providing services to the user by Infinity Power
International and ensuring the highest quality of service are collected and processed.
• Individuals declaring the issuance of an invoice must report this fact after paying the full
amount for the product (Google Meet sessions, WhatsApp, Zoom, training/courses/
workshops, audio recordings, video recordings, books) and send the company details to the
email address: office@infinitypower on the day of concluding the sales agreement, i.e.,
placing the order and accepting it for implementation. If the user does not provide invoice
details within the mentioned timeframe, the paid amount will be accounted for without the
possibility of issuing an invoice.
• Final Provisions
• Infinity Power International reserves the right to change the terms of the regulations, with the
provision that the version of the regulations in force at the time of placing the order applies
to agreements concluded before the change in the regulations.
• Changes come into effect on the day of their publication on the Service.
• In case of non-acceptance of the new provisions of the regulations, as mentioned in point 7,
paragraph 1, the user has the option to refrain from accepting them, leading to the
termination of the agreement between the Service and the user.
• Liability Exclusion
• Infinity Power International reserves the right to temporarily limit access to the Service (in
whole or in part) to improve it, maintain it, or if security reasons or other reasons beyond
Infinity Power International’s control require it.
• Infinity Power International is not responsible for losses and damages incurred by the user in
connection with the use of the Service, compliance with the information presented in the
Service, or contained in the Products under any circumstances, as well as for the
consequences of decisions made based on them.
• Infinity Power International does not guarantee that information transmitted over the Internet
will reach the user in an error-free, complete, and full form.
• Infinity Power International is not liable for damages caused by the faulty operation of the
transmission system, including equipment failures, delays, and disruptions in the
transmission of information, interference by third parties, or force majeure.
Who We Are
Our website address is https://www.infinitypowerinternational.com.
When visitors leave comments on the site, we collect the data shown in the comment form, the
visitor’s IP address, and browser user agent string to help spam detection.
An anonymized string created from your email address (also called a hash) may be provided to the
Gravatar service to see if you are using it. The Gravatar service privacy policy is available here:
https://automattic.com/privacy/. After approval of your comment, your profile picture is visible to
the public in the context of your comment.
If you upload images to the website as a registered user, you should avoid uploading images with
embedded location data (EXIF GPS). Visitors to the website can download and extract any
location data from images on the website.
If you leave a comment on our site, you may opt-in to save your name, email address, and
website in cookies. These are for your convenience so that you do not have to fill in your details
again when you leave another comment. These cookies will last for one year.
If you visit our login page, we will set a temporary cookie to determine if your browser accepts
cookies. This cookie contains no personal data and is discarded when you close your browser.
When you log in, we will also set up several cookies to save your login information and your
screen display choices. Login cookies last for two days, and screen options cookies last for one
year. If you select “Remember Me,” your login will persist for two weeks. If you log out of your
account, the login cookies will be removed.
If you edit or publish an article, an additional cookie will be saved in your browser. This cookie
includes no personal data and simply indicates the post ID of the article you just edited. It expires
after one day.
Embedded content from other websites
Articles on this website may contain embedded content (e.g., videos, images, articles, etc.).
Embedded content from other websites behaves in the same way as if the user visited the
specific website directly.
These websites may collect information about you, use cookies, embed additional third-party
tracking systems, and monitor your interactions with the embedded material, including tracking
your interactions if you have an account and are logged into that website.
Statistical analysis
If you request a password reset, your IP address will be included in the reset email. If you leave a
comment, its content and metadata will be stored indefinitely. This allows us to recognize and
approve subsequent comments automatically without sending them for moderation each time.
For users who have registered on our website (if any), we also store the personal information they
provide in their profile. Each user can view, edit, or delete their personal information at any time
(except for the username, which cannot be changed). Site administrators can also view and
modify this information.
Your rights to your data
If you have a user account or have commented on this website, you can request a file with the
exported set of your personal data that we hold, including all the data you have provided. You can
also request that we erase all of your personal data in our possession. This does not include any
data that we are obliged to keep for administrative, legal, or security purposes.
Where we send your data
Guest comments may be checked through an automated spam detection service.
GDPR – Infinity Power International
Dear Sir/Madam,
In compliance with the current regulations on the protection of personal data, we provide you with
comprehensive information below on the ways and principles of processing your personal data by
us. In fulfilling our informational obligation in this regard, we also encourage you to contact us
with any questions or concerns.
The administrator of your personal data is:
Infinity Power International with its registered office in Warsaw
Al. Jerozolimskie 99, apt. 9
Email address: office@infinitypower.pl
• Where do we get your data?
• We obtained your data directly from you or from publicly available sources.
• For what purpose and on what basis do we process your personal data?
• Our company takes special care in processing personal data and implements appropriate
technical and organizational measures to ensure a level of security corresponding to the
risks of infringement of the rights and freedoms of natural persons resulting from the scope,
nature, context, and purposes of data processing. Your personal data may be processed
based on the provisions of the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation – Regulation (EU)
• Article 6(1)(a) – in this case, we process data based on your consent, if expressed in
a separate statement, and only for the purpose specified in that statement;
• Article 6(1)(b) – this concerns situations where your data is necessary for the
performance of a contract between us, including preparatory activities for entering
into a contract;
• Article 6(1)(c) – we may also process data in connection with our legal obligations,
such as tax settlements with the Tax Office;
• Article 6(1)(f) – we also process your data for other purposes, defined as the
legitimate interest of the administrator; this includes, for example, processing data to
maintain business relationships in the future.
The above bases may occur together or in any configurations, depending on the nature of the
relationship between you and our company.
• Withdrawal of consent or objection to the processing of personal data
• At any time, you can withdraw any consent given to our company regarding the
processing of personal data without negative consequences. To do this, simply send an
email to office@infinitypower.pl. You can also object to further processing of your data
through the same means. Your request will be promptly implemented, unless further
processing of your personal data by us is necessary (for example, due to a legal requirement
or unresolved financial matters). Please note that withdrawing consent does not affect the
lawfulness of processing carried out by us before its withdrawal.
• When and to whom may we disclose your personal data, and to whom we will not disclose
• Access to your personal data within the organizational structure of our company will be
limited to authorized employees and only to the extent necessary.
Recipients of your personal data may be public entities (government offices, etc.) if they request
information based on a valid legal basis. Your data may also be entrusted by us to our trusted
partners if it is necessary for the efficient functioning of our company or the provision of our
services to you. This may include support in areas such as law, taxes, IT services, as well as
business partners from other fields. We make efforts to entrust data only to reliable and
trustworthy contractors, based on legally provided instruments protecting your interests in the
context of personal data protection.
Your data will not be subject to automated processing. We will also not transfer it to a third
country (outside the European Economic Area).
• What rights do you have?
• You have the right to access the content of your data and the right to rectify, delete, limit
processing, the right to data portability (if technically possible), the right to object, and the
aforementioned right to withdraw consent at any time.
The rights listed above may be excluded or limited in situations where the administrator is legally
obliged to process data to fulfill a legal obligation.
In addition to the above, if you believe that your rights regarding the protection of personal data
have been violated, you also have the right to lodge a complaint with the President of the Office
for Personal Data Protection, at the following address: ul. Stawki 2, 00-193 Warsaw.
• How long will we process your data?
• The duration of the processing of your personal data depends on the nature of our
cooperation and the legal grounds for processing your data:
• If we process data based on your consent, they will be processed until the
realization/expiry of the purpose for which they were collected or until you withdraw
this consent;
• Data processed for the conclusion and performance of contracts will be processed
for at least the period of limitation of mutual claims arising from the performance of
the contract. Limitation periods for claims arise from legal provisions and may
• The required period of processing data necessary for the performance of legal
obligations results from regulations defining these obligations. Examples of such
obligations include the required archiving of accounting documents or employee
documentation and other agreements covered by insurance contributions.
• Data processed based on a legitimate interest will be processed until you object or
the expiration of this interest.
Before using our services – write to us!
It all starts with contact. Feel free to ask us anything, describe your ideas, or set us the most
ambitious tasks. We will gladly explain all the details, propose tailored solutions, and present a
meaningful offer.
I consent to the processing by Infinity Power International of my personal data in the form of an
email address, for the purpose of sending me marketing information regarding products and
services via electronic means of communication, in accordance with the regulations concerning
the provision of services by electronic means.

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