Leadership is about building an organization and the continuous development of people. The training is conducted based on proprietary teaching methods and participant projects. The training consists of 20% theory and 80% practice.

Team Management

After the training, you have a clearly defined vision of where and how you lead your team.

Confidence in Action and Composure

You become a model in your role, an example for others.

Motivation and Inspiration

You can convince others that the impossible is possible.


Awareness of your internal processes and control over emotions.


Completed training



20 years

Of experience


Module 1: Building the Manager’s Attitude – How to Remain Assertive in Every Situation?
• Developing the role of a Top Manager as an expression of the company’s vision, mission, and
values in relationships with customers, teams, and superiors. – What does responsibility mean to
me and how does my team understand it?
• Building coherence and an attitude of identification with the Vision, Mission, and Values of the
company – “The Company is Me; I am the Company.” – How to realize my career and the careers
of my people in the company we are in?
• Building awareness of duties and roles in relationships within the company and with customers.
– With whom and for whom do people want to work? How to become a good boss for people?

Module 2: Values-Based Management and Emotional Mastery
• Increasing awareness of what values are and how they influence our decisions. – How do I
understand and implement concepts like integrity, and how does my team? How to align goals
based on values?
• Identifying personal values in one’s professional sphere. – Why, for what reason, and with what
purpose do I get up for work every morning?
• Values as the strongest motivation for humans. – Is what I choose truly important to me? Let’s
find out.
• The ability to collaborate with one’s own emotions and build a confident attitude in action. –
What are emotions, why do some react calmly in the same situations while others do not? Can we
choose our emotions?

Module 3: Conveying Difficult and Uncomfortable Feedback, Delegating Tasks
• Building communication skills through goals and results. – Since I know why and how and I’m
motivated, how do I convey this to others to “infect them with the energy to act”?
• How to communicate effectively in the visual, auditory, and kinesthetic system to reach all
recipients accurately? – Why dreamers look at the sky and meeting participants at the floor and
how to translate this knowledge into management.
• Resolving conflicts through different positions of perception. – “Put yourself in my place”
exercise, applicable not only in management.
• Giving feedback. – How to speak without triggering feelings of guilt, shame, or regret in people.
A good manager is recognized by how they convey difficult information.

Module 4: Psychological Aspects of Team Motivation
• How to recognize and understand one’s mechanisms of action and behavior? – What do I do
when “my nerves get the better of me” and what do I say to myself just before that? What to say
to oneself differently to say what needs to be said rather than what the brain suggests.
• Efficient use of mechanisms governing processes in human minds. – Do they understand what
I’m saying to them? What do they hear when I say, “we need to do x,” and does anyone feel
responsible then?
• How to easily stop thinking that everyone functions like us, to not end up managing only
ourselves over time.
• Where and how to obtain information about how people motivate themselves and make
decisions. – Learning through exercises that train efficient and logical thinking, not only when
facing deadlines.

Module 5: Goal Implementation Strategies, Management Through Goals
• What are personal goal strategies? – How is it that I always write reports on time but never have
time to learn how to present them?
• Discovery of personal strategies for achieving goals. – If I can achieve small successes, I can
achieve big ones; I just need to repeat the same scenario on a larger scale. What’s that scenario?
We will learn during this module.
• Self-modeling strategy. – How to use who I was, who I am, to become who I want to be?
• Subconscious mechanisms and patterns of human behavior. – What, how, and when make my
employees drink coffee instead of working? What, how, and when make them work instead of

Module 6: Presentation Structure, Public Speaking
• Workshops – Delegating tasks. – When the “must” comes, Mrs. Must does it, meaning how to
speak so that everyone knows who is working on what and gets it done.
• Communication of goals and results that connect teams. – Whether left or right, on a bike or
running, SMART, or maybe SPRINT. What to say so that everyone knows what to do and by when.
• Giving feedback, including negative feedback. – Not an easy art, keeping people away from
depression, meaning which words “hurt” and which motivate?
• Writing emails. – Not every word has as much meaning as the structure in which it is contained.
Writing is an art, and we will learn all about it for a reason.
• Engaging the team, i.e., arousing long-term, internal motivation. – What to do to make people
“want to want” to work?

Want to ask us about the course?

About the Training

Most people with experience in public speaking remember the feeling of paralyzing stage fright.
Consequently, there are few individuals who enjoy speaking publicly and don’t have a sense of
insecurity or resistance to doing so. How can one control the internal play of emotions, thoughts,
and beliefs to stop it from limiting us and start supporting us in public speaking? How to
overcome shame? Furthermore, how to create effective presentations in the process?
This challenge requires solutions and communication skills, as well as knowledge of how to
convey information to be understood and inspire, achieving the presentation’s goal. Because how
we receive information, how we learn, and how we motivate ourselves for long-term actions are
explored processes, psychological processes, and knowledge about how our minds function.
Therefore, a well-constructed and presented presentation bypasses the audience’s resistance,
connects them with the discussed idea, opens possibilities for the presentation’s recipients, and
strongly inspires, showing beneficial and necessary solutions for the recipient. So that my clients
willingly use my product or service or implement the solution I present.
An effective presentation consists of a properly built structure tailored to the functioning of the
mind, focus on one factor, stating the appropriate thesis, but also, if not primarily, the language of
persuasion through which we reach the audience by shaping their attitude towards the presented
solutions. The training is for those who:
• Face high stress and stage fright before presentations;
• Frequently present but are not satisfied with the results of these presentations;
• Need to learn how to better communicate their products and services and increase their
• Need the skill of communicating the “Purpose of Good Influence” of their company in a way
that inspires and resonates with internal and external clients;
• Want to learn how to lead people, build trust in themselves, and create good relationships;
• Need to create presentations at the highest level, inspire their audience, and convey
complex knowledge in a simple way;
• Want to handle even the most skeptical audience exceptionally well.

Business training is individual, contact us and ask for a quote.

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