This course is a certified training known worldwide. It offers solutions that allow anyone to discover how to take control of their life and its direction.

You will learn how the mind works

How does the brain model the world and your own experiences and shape them into mental maps? How do I recognize it and change it so that it serves me? What impact perception and experience structures have on achieving goals.

You discover your own values, emotions and beliefs

You learn what values, emotions and beliefs are and how to work with them. What are the types and the role of beliefs about yourself and the world on the way to achieving your desired life and a better everyday life.

You set a path to achieve your goals

You learn to put what is important over what is temporary. You are able to build long-term strategies for planning and achieving goals. You acquire the skills to change limiting states such as grief, sadness, anxiety into strongly supportive states to achieve your goal.

You build the best and most important relationship with yourself

How identity, values, beliefs, skills, environment and behaviors work in life and their impact and importance in achieving goals. During the training, you build your own path to greater self-efficacy, and build internal consistency and harmony.


Completed Training



20 years

Of experience


Module 1: how to take control of your life and its direction?
Perception, language and processing are central to our thoughts for how the mind constructs reality? Discover how to consciously form your mental maps to achieve your goals. How developed habits enhance personal and professional life. Understand the impact of sustained motivation. Learn the art of “self-mastery” and how to model behaviors that help in various situations. Understanding these processes enables you to effectively manage your life.

Module 2: values, beliefs and emotions – what is what and how to work with them?
“Straw enthusiasm” often leads to a loss of motivation once emotions subside. It is crucial to understand the role of values as a powerful internal motivation. Beliefs about ourselves and the world shape our lives – how can we use them to achieve a better everyday life? It is important to build support systems, a variety of beliefs, and effective methods to change thinking about difficult experiences.
Transforming perspective from failure can become constructive feedback. Confidence to act in new and uncertain situations is achievable for everyone. Resolving “internal conflicts” is building an assertive and consistent attitude. It is crucial to read the information coming from emotions before they take control of logical thinking – emotions as valuable feedback.

Module 3: Properly defining and setting the path to long-term goals – in other words, how to put the important over the temporary?
A long-term strategy for planning and achieving goals requires effective anticipation and design of results. Creating access to strongly resourced emotional states through the anchoring process is crucial. It is also important to change limiting states, such as grief, sadness or anxiety, into ones that support goal achievement.
By reanchoring limiting states and analyzing our own identity, values, beliefs, skills, environment and behaviors, we can better understand their impact on our lives. Using Robert Dilts’ Neurological Levels, we can practically apply the theories to our actions, aiming for greater effectiveness by building internal coherence and harmony.

Module 4: Time, the art of communication, the language of good influence-everything is communication, so let’s learn to do it right.
Perception of time affects effectiveness – let’s consider what time is and how we understand it. Personal life and the past shape our goals by forming a personal timeline. How can it be improved by breaking out, repairing and enriching it?
Past experiences are a valuable source for today’s and future goals. Reworking negative experiences and recognizing the past as a resource is key.
Effective communication is the art of understanding language patterns and influence. What questions we ask such results we get. The art of asking questions that solve problems and motivate, opening up new possibilities where there were limitations. How to use this skill to achieve the desired results?

Module 5: building our good future.
On the road to success, it is worth considering what resources I already have and how I can use them more effectively. Identifying personal resources, skills, values and beliefs is key.
Reflecting on what I think about the world, about myself, about money, and what my beliefs are, allows me to build resourceful beliefs and better manage my emotions.
Understanding what constitutes my greatest motivation allows me to strengthen and replenish resources, such as my value system and existing skills, using them to achieve my goals and fulfill my life’s calling.
It’s also important to clarify your career goal and create a vision for the future through the present at work.
Recognizing the past as a resource for building a good future opens new perspectives and allows one to benefit from experiences in every aspect of life.

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About the training

Perhaps you’ve taken many different courses and trainings, but you haven’t had, haven’t yet had the opportunity to benefit from one after which the change for the better is permanent and guaranteed. NLP Practitioner is a course for any person who wants to improve the quality of his life, better understand himself and his mechanisms. For those who want to improve their personal and professional relationships. For those who don’t believe in their own abilities, feel that others have it easier, better, and for those who know they can do more, but can’t break through. From the point of view of the things I face, this is a training project for me, if n.p.. : I’m looking for a solution to my everyday and unusual problems; I want to stop worrying about small things; I want to stop procrastinating once and for all; I think my emotions are getting in the way of my daily life; I describe myself as a DDA/DDD person and want to reevaluate my life story; I describe myself as a “highly sensitive” person, but wish I had more “mental toughness”; I am at a professional crossroads; I am on the verge of a breakup or divorce, and I don’t want that; I work with people on a daily basis and would like to support them effectively and build good relationships with them; I lack a sense of meaning in my daily life. From the point of view of what I want to achieve, this is the course for me if I want: a greater sense of meaning in life and everyday life; greater acceptance and understanding of myself and others; a sense of agency and inner strength to act, natural assertiveness; a sense of independence and autonomy; a happy and lasting relationship with the person of my choice; and, as a result, lasting satisfaction combined with an evaluation of my own life as successful, valuable and meaningful.

Price and length of the course

The course takes a total of 120 hours
15 training days
5 months (3 days per month)
cost of 1 hour of training = 49 zł
120 hours of training = 5880 zł
It is possible to spread the payment over
five monthly installments. The amount of the installment is 1176 zł

Training Reservation

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